In the field

July 21, 2018

Fern society field trip in the Driftless Area in Minnesota before the Botany 2018 conference  

Nice Pellaea!
Myriopteris gracilis





Fern looking duo: Josh Der and Eric Schuettpelz












November 20, 2017 

I escaped the freezing Ithaca to visit Selby Marie Botanical Gardens in Florida…

Folioceros fuciformis hidden in the Selby greenhouse
Phaeoceros in Paynes Creek Historic State Park, FL
Sally the awesome host, and there were tons of epiphytes behind us…
SO MANY FERN EPIPHYTES!! Myakka River State Park, FL

















November 5, 2017 

Jessica, me and a local bryophyte expert, Norm Trigobogg, embarked a hornwort hunting trip to Homer, New York. Guess where we found them? –Soybean fields!

I was very excited to find Notothylas
Jessica bagging some cool-looking hornworts



Notothylas orbicularis on the left, and Anthoceros cf punctatus on the right
We also found some Anthoceros by the corns