
NSF MCB Cellular Dynamics and Function | From phylogeny to biomolecules: a cross-scale approach to understand the making of a unique carbon-concentrating mechanism in hornworts (2213841)

$1,072,924 (2022.6.1 – 2025.5.31), Li portion: $503,654

PI: Fay-Wei Li, Laura Gunn (Cornell Plant Biology)

NSF IOS EDGE | Developing transformation capacity for Anthoceros agrestis to facilitate gene function studies in hornworts, a remarkable phylum of plants (1923011)

$548,419 (2019.9.1 – 2022.8.31)

PI: Fay-Wei Li
Co-PI: Joyce Van Eck (BTI)

NSF DEB Dimensions of Biodiversity | Integrating phylogenetics, ecophysiology, and transcriptomics to understand the diversity of hornwort-cyanobacterium symbiosis (1831428)

$1,830,855 (2019.1.1 – 2023.12.31), Li portion: $1,191,078
PI: Fay-Wei Li, John Meeks (University of California Davis), Jed Sparks (Cornell EEB)

Supplement #1 | Research Experience for Post-Baccalaureate Students (2139576) $40,750
Supplement #2 | Research Collaboration Opportunity in Europe (2034018) $27,005

DOE Large-Scale EMSL Research User Grant | Understanding the genetic and structural bases of hornworts’ carbon-concentrating mechanism

$118,888 in-kind support (2021.10.1 – 2023.9.30)

PI: Fay-Wei Li